My name is Greg W. Anderson.  I live in Fort Collins Colorado – four kids and a lovely wife Paula. Through my business Balanced Financial Inc I help ease the struggle of moving from working and accumulating nest eggs into retirement and the distribution phase of life. Part of what we do is try to find products/ideas that are more appropriate for the conservative or income phase of life.

A big part of my job entails sniffing out new ideas that kick out income steadily and avoid market risks. I see a lot of ideas that are not time tested – yet. Most of the new ideas I see are of course just a repacking of lending someone money, owning all or part of a business, or speculating on something of value. The ideas that don’t find one of the above are most probably a scam dressed up as an opportunity. I’m pretty good at spotting these posers … but one of them got me too.

I’m building out the blog to tell my story of how I and a few thousand others – many of whom were pretty sophisticated seasoned investors, like hedge funds and other professionals, fell into a lending scam called Woodbridge Group of Companies LLC.

Stay tuned for blog posts and videos laying out my cautionary tails, warning signs,  and bruises.



8 thoughts on “The Journey Begins

  1. I can’t find any information about Robert Shapiros status. Has he been had a trial? One issue of the Sun Sentinel newspaper in Florida stated that he had been denied bail, but since then no new news. The other ponzi schemers have been tried and sentenced. Thanks for keeping us posted.


      1. % is lower for Unit holders as they were ‘investors’ vs. a lender on a Note. The Reg D offering you signed showed you accepted certain risks (w/ units) that a Note holder didn’t agree to.
        but the distributions each time will go to Unit and Note holders parallel; you aren’t last to feed. all $ comes out divy to each group per the BK plan approved by the judge.


  2. I for some reason was under the impression that we would be receiving payments approximately every quarter. last payment received was 6 month ago. do you know when they may start back. Thanks Danny


    1. No they weren’t committed to distributions that regularly … but more of a ‘when they have a pot of money’ from the real estate sales.
      The latest guess is late Sept or mid Oct. But this isn’t very firm.
      They have lots of real estate that was in the middle of fix/flip efforts …. their focus now is on fixing these up for sale
      So this pay out will be a lumpy process.


  3. I’m see you are in the club!! I’m signed up for notification s but you said i was already signed up. If do not remember signing error so could you please correct, my error thank you my email address is


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